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Aftermath of Limelight Networks Acquisition of Alert Logic

What’s the impact to the CDN Industry if Limelight Networks (LLNW) acquires Alert Logic? Based on history, we can make some educated guesses. Let’s do a quick deep dive analysis into possible outcomes. For starters, the acquisition will go down as the second most impactful event in CDN history, in my view. By impactful, I mean that other CDN will have to update their product offering, or change their business model somewhat, in order to compete more effectively with the CDN that created the impactful event. The CDN that fails to change will be sidelined, never posing a threat to high growth CDNs. We have a few out there now, but I won’t mention any names.    

A Limelight Networks acquisition of Alert Logic will change the entire CDN industry from the startup, all the way up to Akamai. If two CDNs are in a competitive situation, bidding on an opportunity where security is important, who will have the most leverage, the CDN with a WAF offering, or the CDN that has WAF, IDS/IPS, Application Scanning, Vulnerability Assessment, and so on. Limelight has the infrastructure, experience working with large enterprises, and talent to reemerge as the #2 CDN once again.

The only thing holding LLNW back at this point is their product offering. Alert Logic adds significantly to their security offering, enough so that it will catapult LLNW ahead of Akamai on security offering product front. However, with $1B in cash, Akamai will catch up in months when they buy more security companies. Below is a list of impactful CDN events over the last decade by ranking. I also included a section of events that had zero impact on the CDN industry.

Ranking the most Impactful CDN Events
Other Events with Minimal CDN Industry Impact
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