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Business Model Chaos: From Wireless to CDN to Security

The technology industry is going through a dramatic transformation unlike any time in the past. Once non-related tech segments are converging across the globe, and those that are likely to be impacted the most are the incumbents. Apple plans on making cars, Google is becoming a wireless carrier, Facebook and Amazon are building middle mile fiber infrastructure across the world, Facebook is taking on Cisco, Amazon is taking on Fedex/UPS, and wireless bandwidth speeds are likely to increase 100x by 2020, as Ericsson, Samsung, Alcatel-Lucent, and other wireless infrastructure players bring mind-boggling innovations to market. CEOs are playing it cool during the day, but at night time, it has to be a nerve racking experience trying to figure how these innovations are going to disrupt their once comfortable market positions.

Recent Developments

The list of major breakthroughs goes on for pages. These innovations will disrupt incumbents and start-ups including AT&T, Verizon, CDNs, Cloud Providers, Automobile companies, and so on. What kind of impact will it have on industries? Below are some worse case scenarios:

Worse Case Scenarios

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