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Cool Startup – enSilo

Tel Aviv-based startup enSilo is a cybersecurity startup focusing on preventing data tampering and exfiltration. enSilo’s real-time data protection platform is currently used by a number of Fortune 100 companies along with leading defense contractors and payment solutions worldwide.

enSilo’s real-time data exfiltration prevention platform encompasses a unique approach against advanced persistent attacks (APT). Rather than focusing on the traditional prevention techniques like firewalls, antiviruses and sandboxes, enSilo instead assumes that organizations have already been compromised and focuses on preventing the exfiltration of critical data, or the theft of critical data from the system by external attackers.

While an organization’s system is currently being under attack, enSilo’s application agnostic platform analyzes communication requests at the operating system (OS) level to enforce the anti-exfiltration policies already on connection establishment requests. With an additional virtual patching against APTs, organization employees can continue working even if the endpoint is infected.

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