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Cool Startup – Namogoo

Tel-Aviv based startup Namogoo is a cybersecurity company that protects against client-side attacks, a growing but under-the-radar threat that compromise a user’s privacy and affects their experience of a website. Namogoo is the first company to not only guard against this problem, but educate the public that the problem exists. They are using a B2B model and their technology is currently deployed by a number of Fortune 50 to Fortune 500 companies.

Client-side threats occur when users download malware via malicious browser extensions. The malware will then affect how the user perceives a website by injecting unauthorized widgets, adware, and spyware into the site. The user’s view of the site may affect the site’s visuals with broken ads or obstructions of the original content, promote inappropriate content, redirect users to competing retailers, or prompt the user to provide sensitive data.

Namogoo uses machine learning to protect against zero day attacks, continuously monitoring and adapting to new threats. In addition, they provide real-time data and analysis on the attacks for users via a live dashboard that shows information about what pages were affected, where the attacks occurred, how many users were affected, which unwanted products have been promoted, and how an affected site appears to users. Namogoo’s revolutionary platform will undoubtedly prove invaluable to ecommerce, financial websites, and web publishers as these threats continue to gain traction.

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