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Cool Company – Redis Labs

Founded in 2011, Redis is one of the most innovative companies around, encompassing both the open-source multipurpose database as well as Redis Enterprise, which enhances Redis Open Source with high availability, linear scaling, and deployment via public and private clouds, on-premises, hybrid, and RAM-Flash combination. Redis Enterprise offers cloud services through Redis Cloud and Redis Cloud Private.

Redis Open Source was initially developed in 2009, by Salvatore Sanfilippo, who joined the Redis team in 2015 as the Lead of Open-Source Redis Development. Their open-source offering essentially provides pre-built database structures and modules for app development, including geospatial indexes, hyperloglogs, bitmaps, lists, sets, sorted sets, and hashes. Written in C and running entirely in-memory, it delivers less than one-millisecond latency with a throughput of over 1.5 million operations per second. Its architecture provides more complex functionality than other key-value stores while allowing for less coding. Various use cases include real-time analytics and data ingest, content caching, high-speed transactions, user session storage, machine learning, and job and queue management.

Building on the success of Redis Open Source is Redis Enterprise, which encapsulates and enhances Open Source Redis with additional deployment options and support for large datasets. Its products include two managed cloud services, Redis Cloud, which is available over public clouds and PaaS providers, and Redis Cloud Private, which runs in Virtual Private Clouds.

Redis Cloud

Available on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM SoftLayer, as well as PaaS providers such as Heroku, Pivotal Web Services, and Open Shift, Redis Cloud provides linear and automatic scalability that allows customers to avoid nodes and clusters while maintaining the same endpoints. It offers in-memory replication across zones, regions or data centers, data persistence, remote backups, and instant automatic failover. Additional features include the ability to utilize multiple dedicated databases in a single plan with no database connection limit and encryption and authentication services including IP whitelisting, client-based SSL authentication, and AWS security groups.

Redis Cloud Private

Redis Cloud Private provides managed database operations within a private cloud environment, with the option of running on RAM or Flash as a memory extension via high IOPS SSD instances. Redis clusters use zero-latency proxies that reside on each node and are accessed by applications as a single Redis instance. Customers can protect their datasets with UI, CLI, or API-enabled replication, persistence, backups, and disaster recovery.

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