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Wowza Releases Report on Livestreaming UX

Last week, Wowza released the 2017 report “Create the Streaming Media Experience Users Want.” The report analyzes the livestreaming UX (user experience) for five markets–gaming, news, radio, sports, and user-generated content (UGC)–by looking at the first time to first frame (TTFF) and end-to-end latency (E2E) for market leaders in each segment. These factors, along with factors like resolution, audio clarity, and stability, had the highest impact on livestreaming UX and were most likely to contribute to user abandonment.

Although the importance of each factor varies by market and use case, Wowza found that several trends persisted across segments. Real-time streaming with low latency was most important for highly interactive applications and those with time-bound coverage, such as news and sports platforms. However, platforms with a large base of concurrent viewers required higher latency in order to maintain quality of experience.

Other important findings by market included:

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