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Recent Breakthroughs in Fiber, GPON, WiFi, Middle-mile and Last Mile Networks

Major breakthroughs in network platform innovation continue at a rapid pace, with GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) leading the charge. These innovations are occurring in different market segments including fiber network technology, hardware, WiFi, 5G, GPON, WDM, mobile and DOCSIS.

Google is leading the efforts to democratize Internet access, having “built the largest private network in the world” which is serving a “billion unique addresses per day”. Some of the more interesting breakthroughs include the following:

Transition to Fiber

Fiber optics represents a significant advantage over copper cables, allowing for faster speeds over longer distances because they use light rather than electricity to deliver information and are not as susceptible to interference and loss of signal. As a result, recent deployments of fiber optics by Verizon FiOS and Google Fiber have skyrocketed, and one estimate is that DOCSIS might reach 200Gbps by 2030. However, can it happen sooner?

GPON and Gigabit LTE

GPON (Gigabit Passive Optic Network) is a broadband technology that uses passive splitters to serve multiple homes and businesses using one feeding fiber. By consolidating services into a single fiber network, users can increase bandwidth while reducing cost and infrastructure. On the mobile front, Gigabit LTE is an advanced form of LTE that can support up to 1 Gbps on mobile devices.

Satellite and WiFi Hotspots

Rural populations often struggle to maintain high internet speeds due to the lack of infrastructure in sparsely populated geographic locations. In order to provide better options for these and other underserved populations, many companies have launched programs to boost connectivity via Internet-beaming satellites, WiFi hotspots, and other initiatives.

In addition to products already on the market or in development, research is being conducted into various technologies that can be used to speed up WiFi and fiber optics, demonstrating even greater advancements and bringing us closer to ubiquitous bandwidth as the methods come to market.

As broadband speeds exponentially increase and availability expands, it will no longer be necessary to speak in terms of Mbps, Gbps or Tbps, but ports capable of supporting unlimited bandwidth. With research outcomes, technological advancements, and increased infrastructure, unlimited, ubiquitous bandwidth is not only a possibility, but a certainty sure to upend the Internet Infrastructure industry within a decade.

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