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Cool Company: ZeroFOX

ZeroFOX, based in Baltimore MD is up-and-coming security company that started in 2013, and has received over $12M in funding. ZeroFOX is backed by seasoned security executives from the likes of FireEye, Symantec, Barracuda Networks, McAfee, Fortify and Verdasys. ZeroFOX offers an advanced cloud-based security platform that protects enterprises, and government agencies from social media attacks against their employees. Social media is now one of the largest attack vectors in the industry, enabling hackers to impersonate or compromise employee credentials in the social realm, whether employees use social media for personal or business use.

The social media paradigm is presenting enterprises with new security challenges unlike ever before. According to the latest Verizon Data Breach Investigative Report, about one-third of attacks occur at the social media level. ZeroFOX is in a great position, being one of the very few companies protecting enterprises in the social media space. ZeroFOX has all the elements in place to be a very successful cyber security company. They are loaded at the executive ranks, and have the first mover advantage. Below is a snapshot.

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