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Cool Startup: FireLayers

FireLayers, an Israeli security company based in San Francisco started in 2013, and is looking to change the game of securing cloud applications like Saleforce, Workday, MS Office 365, Box, NetSuite and Workday. The company was founded by Yair Grindlinger and Doron Elgressy, two veterans of the security industry. FireLayers has received an undisclosed amount from YL Ventures, and is expecting to close another round later this year. As the industry shifts from the backend business application environment to the cloud, InfoSec teams are being challenged like never before, finding it difficult to satisfy their security, compliance and governance requirements.

FireLayers aims to change that with their advanced policy-based security platform that enables customers to create granular custom rule-sets to protect their specific cloud application environment. FireLayers is different from the competition. Whereas the competition uses a one-size fits all approach, treating all their customers cloud application environments the same, FireLayers is different in that its solution is tailored to meet the needs of each enterprise. We all understand that no two customer business cloud application environments are the same. We’ll be keeping track of FireLayers throughout the year. We expect to see them hit some major milestones by the end of the year.

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