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Caffe, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Spark MLlib and TensorFlowOnSpark Overview

When it comes to AI frameworks, there are several tools available that can be used for tasks such as image classification, vision, and speech. Some are popular like PyTorch and Caffe, while others are more limited. Below are the highlights of four popular AI tools.


Caffee is a deep learning framework developed by Yangqing Jia while he was at UC Berkeley. The tool can be used for image classification, speech, and vision. However, it is not suitable for processing text, sound, and time-series data. The tool is a BSD-licensed C++ library that uses Python for its API. One of the areas that Caffe excels at is image processing where it can “process over 60M images per day with a single NVIDIA K40 GPU”. Caffe works well with feedforward networks but is not recommended for recurrent neural networks and sequence models.

In April 2017, Facebook created Caffe 2, adding more features to Caffe 1.0, including:

Operators in Caffe 2

The overall difference between operators’ functionality in Caffe and Caffe2 is illustrated below. In short, Caffe 2 has more than 400 different operators that can be considered as a flexible version of layers in Caffe 1.0. Operators contain the logic for computing the output for given inputs and parameters. One of the benefits, users can write their own customized operators.

Caffe Model Zoo

With Caffe Model Zoo, users can explore unique deep learning capabilities and build demo applications without intensive training. In the community, users can work with other developers to recreate use cases or improve existing models.

These models can perform tasks such as large-scale visual classification, simple regression, image similarity with Siamese networks, and robotics and speech applications.

Features of Caffe/Caffe 2

Many established companies, including Adobe, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Samsung, Tesla, and Intel are using Caffe in uses cases involving image processing, vision, robotics, and language applications. In 2018, Caffe 2 was merged with PyTorch, a powerful and popular machine learning framework.


Facebook-developed PyTorch is a comprehensive deep learning framework that provides GPU acceleration, tensor computation, and much more. The tool is a Python version of the Lua-based Torch. The Python library provides packages for worker processes optimized for efficient data loading, distributed training, and deep learning functions.

The Python library provides two advanced features, including:

Tensor is a generic n-dimensional array similar to Numpy arrays. It helps perform arbitrary numeric computation and makes the PyTorch projects run faster. The core data structure accelerates mathematical operations. Dimensions in Tensor are called ranks.


Autograd in PyTorch uses a tape-based system for automatic differentiation. In the forward phases, the autograd remembers all executed operations. In the backward phase, it replays these operations.

Components of PyTorch

The following figure shows all components in a standard PyTorch setup:


In addition to Tensor and autograd system, the most specific components of PyTorch are:

Notable benefits/features of PyTorch are:


Scikit-learn is a popular Python machine learning library started by David Cournapeau in 2007. Scikit-learn is used in both academia and the commercial sector. The tool is built on SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib, and it supports IPython, Sympy, and Pandas. The reliable and well-maintained library boasts a rich suite of tools for predictive analysis and machine learning functions, from dataset loading and manipulation to preprocessing metrics and pipelines.

In addition, Scikit-learn has a large collection of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms, most of which require minimal code adjustments. The tool is used for the following use cases:

Scikit-Learn allows users to implement machine learning concepts with a well-documented, user-friendly, and robust library. The tool facilitates access to different classification algorithms such as nearest neighbors, random forest, and multi-labeling.

Regression is the machine learning process for creating models to establish the connection between input and output data. Some popular regression algorithms are logistic regression, least angle regression, kernel ridge regression, and Stochastic Gradient Descent.

Applicable for visualization and increased efficiency of machine learning models, dimensionality reduction reduces random variables for analysis. The algorithms include principal component analysis (PCA), truncated singular value decomposition, latent semantic analysis, and dictionary learning.

The sklearn.cluster module performs the clustering of unlabeled data. Each clustering algorithm has two variants:

  1. Class: Implements the right method to learn the clusters on train data
  2. Function: Returns integer labels for different clusters.

Clustering is used to perform customer segmentation and grouping experiment outcomes using various algorithms, such as spectral clustering, K-Means, Birch, DBSCAN, Agglomerative clustering, etc.

Model selection compares, validates, and chooses models and their parameters. The modules perform model tuning for better accuracy, cross-validation, model persistence, validation curves, metrics, and scoring.

Scikit-learn preprocessing involves feature extraction and normalization to convert input data with machine learning. Its modules and algorithms include mean removal and variance scaling, non-linear transformation, normalization, encoding categorical features, and more.

Features of Scikit-learn:

Spark MLlib

Spark Machine Learning Library (MLlib) was built on top of Spark and offers an extensive number of algorithms in the areas of classification, regression, decision trees, clustering, and more. Also, Spark runs in-memory thus making it highly performant. The tool can be used, in conjunction with other modules to perform feature transformation, extraction, and selection.

Spark MLlib enables iterative computing, which optimizes performance and the quality of results. The platform provides a distributed implementation of many ML algorithms with low-level primitives and utilities for convex optimizations, feature extraction, and linear algebra.

Features of Spark MLlib:


Yahoo developed TensorFlowOnSpark (TFoS) in 2017 in order to bring the power of deep learning to Hadoop clusters using TensorFlow and Spark. Yahoo manages one of the largest Hadoop clusters in the world that’s nearly 500PB. TFoS combines the features of Apache TensorFlow and Apache Hadoop, enabling distributed deep learning on CPU and GPU servers clusters.


As shown in this figure, TensorFlowOnSpark works with Spark libraries, including SparkSQL, MLlib, etc, in a single program.

The following diagram shows the architecture of TensorFlowOnSpark:


TensorFlowOnSpark has two modes for data ingestion which include TensorFlow QueueRunners and Spark Feeding. The former reads data from HDFS files using file readers of TensorFlow and QueueRunner. On the other hand, Spark Feeding involves feeding iSpark RDD to Spark executors that feed it into the TensorFlow app

Features of TensorFlowOnSpark:

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