CDN Features: DDoS Mitigation & WAF

The lifecycle for CDN features are short lived. A new feature might be key differentiator, that helps in winning business against the competition, but it only last for a while. The CDN feature lifecycle is 2 years max. CDNs must

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Open source, the engine that powers the CDN

Open source caching software is the engine the powers many CDNs. Without it, the CDN industry would most likely be smaller today. Free open source software enables startups to start small, and scale later. Fastly uses Varnish, Netflix & CloudFlare

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Is PeerCDN a CDN

Yahoo recently acquired PeerCDN for an undisclosed amount. PeerCDN is a next generation peer-to-peer (P2P) CDN that runs entirely in javascript. According to their website, their software can reduce bandwidth cost by 90%. The statement above raises two interesting questions.

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