About Us

Bizety is a technology blog focused on the CDN and network infrastructure industries. As We publish unbiased analysis on the competitive landscape, key vendors, technology stacks, and business models. Our team has worked hundreds of companies over the last decade.  

Research: Reliable source of market research on the CDN infrastructure industry. Our approach to analysis is innovative and thought-provoking, as we strive to challenge conventional perspectives and offer alternative viewpoints and ideas.

Customers: Aryaka Networks, Fastly, Imperva, Incapsula (acquired), Instart Logic (acquired), Distil Networks (acquired), Level 3, Verizon Digital Media Services, Limelight, Ericsson, Zenedge (acquired), Fauna, MaxCDN (acquired), Intel, GoCache, Azion, Nexusguard, Cox Edge, and more.

Ernie Regalado (LinkedIn)
Los Angeles, CA

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