Lacoon Mobile Security, the hot mobile security startup backed by Shlomo Kramer, was founded by Michael Shaulov, Ohad Bobrov, and Emanuel Avner. Lacoon is one the most innovative companies in mobile security space, protecting mobile users and enterprises from zero-day malware, advanced persistent threats and man-in-the-middle attacks. The mobile device is the new frontier for cyber criminals, where BYODÂ equates to freedom, from strict corporate security polices, and security systems, that protect the corporate perimeter.
Cool Startup: Lacoon Mobile Security Facts
- Founding Team from Israeli Defense Forces
- Started in 2011
- Raised $8M in funding
- Backed by Shlomo Kramer and Mickey Boodaei
- Product: Mobile Security Platform
- Features: Protects corporate mobile users against APT, zero-day malware, man-in-the-middle attacks, fake certificates, rootkits and vulnerability exploits
Platform: MobileFortress
MobileFortress is a is a next generation technology that incorporates artificial intelligence. It protects user data and corporate information assets from cyber criminals. The core engine of the platform has baked-in algorithms that prevent, detect, and remove threats, and block harmful traffic. The algorithms bring the platform to life, where it is in continuous learning mode, analyzing its surroundings, applications, vulnerabilities, and mitigating the risk of data loss.
Feature Summary
- Jailbreak: detects jailbreaks and blocks malware communications to contain the attack
- Fake Certificates: blocks fake or stolen certificates, and removes them in order to block attacks
- Configuration Changes: detects changes in the configuration profiles, and blocks attack traffic and man-in-the-middle attacks
- Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: detects hot spot access to mobile device, and limits access to certain apps, or launches a VPN tunnel for secure communications
- Rootkits: detects when device has been rooted and blocks malicious activity
- Zero-day: detects zero-day and blocks attack traffic
- Vulnerability Exploits: Uses sandbox technology to detect threats and block them
Mobile technology is one of the fastest growing segments in technology. Mobile security technology is even hotter, especially that the iPhone and Android devices are plagued with security vulnerabilities. My prediction is Lacoon Mobile Security gets acquired in the next 16 months by Symantec, McAfee, Checkpoint or Cisco.