Update on Fastly

Fastly, the up-and-coming CDN, has just added three members to the executive team, that have deep expertise in web performance, infrastructure and global networking. Steve Souders, Christopher Brown, and Tom Daly come from Google, Chef Software and DYN. The new team members add a whole new dimension to Fastly, and give it a critical skill set, that is necessary to eventually take Fastly to a Tier 1 CDN level.

Just hiring one of them would have been a big accomplishment for any CDN, but hiring three, that’s kind of shocking. First, attracting this kind of talent is really difficult to do, as these individuals are in extremely high demand. They can pretty much go anywhere they desire. It’s definitely an awesome move by Fastly, and I’m sure all the competitors are taking notice. Now this begs the question, is there something big coming down the line from Fastly, that made this move possible, like a big round of funding, we shall see.

Fastly New Hires
  • Steve Souders – previously Head Performance Engineer at Google and Chief Performance Yahoo at Yahoo
  • Christopher Brown – formerly CTO of Chef Software
  • Tom Daly – Co-founder of DYN, one of the leading DNS service providers
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