CloudFlare, one of the leading CyberSecurity CDNs has announced that it has deployed the SolarFlare security product into its infrastructure, adding another layer of security to its Defense in Depth strategy, and strengthening its DDoS protection services. The SolarFlare product called SolarSecure TM Engine, enables servers to block DDoS attacks before they impact the operating system. The security policies are created within the Engine filter, enabling administrators to create complex rule sets. CloudFlare continues to move in the right direction by strengthening its security feature set, and providing a more secure delivery environment for its customers.
CloudFlare Strengthens its DDoS Protection Services
CloudFlare, Incapsula, and Akamai are moving at a rapid pace, adding new security features every few months. It only makes sense since the hackers continue to innovate, and find new ways to breach the latest security defenses. The CyberSecurity CDN is in the best position to fend off DDoS attacks at Layer 3, 4 and 7. For an online business accepting any kind of payment, security should be at the top of the list of selection criteria. No online business can afford a major security breach, as it could easily shut down the business for good.
According to SolarFlare, its SolarSecure Engine performs 180% better than the competition in SYN flood test, processing 16 million packets per second at 60 bytes/packet, compared to 9 million packets per second for the competition. In another test, SolarSecure powered web server processed 120,000 connections/second, compared to an nginx based server which processed 15,000 connections/second. My recommendation for CloudFlare, use a big of the cash on hand to build a more robust security feature set, instead of adding 50 POPs. A CDN with a security feature set that extends from the edge to the data center is more valuable than a CDN with 75+ POPs but a limited security feature set.