Watch out Akamai, Here Comes Incapsula


Watch out Akamai, here comes the CyberSecurity CDN Leader Incapsula. Incapsula is doubling their POP count to 30, end-of-year. In the CDN business, the 30 POP count is the ideal number. Not only does adequately cover all major regions of the world, but it’s also easier to manage. Incapsula is making great progress, and is becoming a serious threat to the competition. The CDN landscape is changing dramatically, and Akamai is facing competition unlike ever before, whether it realizes this or not. In the past, CDNs popped up with extensive feature sets trying to compete with Akamai’s feature set, but that proved futile and Akamai steamrolled them.

This time it’s different. We are in the era of CDN Specialization. CDNs no longer compete with Akamai head-to-head with extensive feature sets. Instead, CDNs are now attacking Akamai with highly innovative feature subsets that are superior to Akamai’s in many respects. CDNs are smarter now having learned from their predecessors. Incapsula is one such company. They have introduced a new business model, focusing on CyberSecurity, and they are the best at it. Incapsula offers every security feature that Akamai has in its portfolio, plus more.

When you add Imperva’s security portfolio to Incapsula’s, no other CDN comes close. The only thing that was missing with Incapsula was scale, but that is no longer the case. Incapsula is mature, and they understand the CDN business as much, as Limelight or EdgeCast. This is evident in their feature roll-outs. The latest product roll-outs include Real Time Monitoring, Rules Engine, Advanced Cache Controls, and Layer 7 Load Balancing, which offers an improvement over the widely used DNS load balancing. It’s possible that Incapsula is going to be the driving force to Imperva’s growth.

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