Cool Company: RedSeal Networks

RedSeal Networks is a leading cyber security company offering a next-gen network infrastructure security platform. The company was founded in 2004 and has raised $39M to date. They cater to the Fortune 1000, health care, service provider industry, government agencies and mid-market. Their customers include Gap, Comcast, Tata, Time Warner, FireEye and Cisco. RedSeal Networks offers a robust suite of tools that enable enterprises to monitor large networks, and security infrastructure environments for security gaps, device configuration flaws and compliance issues. As the network grows, the more the RedSeal platform shines in managing overall risks.

RedSeal Networks enables companies to monitor, visualize network infrastructure,  and keep track of all network devices, ensuring that vulnerabilities are minimized, and taken care of before they become an issue. Customers may even test change access requests before being rolled out into production. In addition, the platform checks all network devices for configuration and compliance best practices. RedSeal Networks is the right company at the right time that solves the complex security challenges inherent in large corporate network environments, making life simpler for InfoSec teams. Here is a company snapshot.

Company Background
  • Started: 2004
  • Raised: $39M
  • VC Backers: Jafco Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures and Venrock
  • Linkedin Employee Count: 120
  • Executives: Ray Rothrock (CEO), Mike Lloyd (CTO) and Mike Eynon (Chief Architect)
  • Product: Security platform that provides proactive network infrastructure security management
  • Purpose: To provide network visualization, network monitoring, identifying critical security gaps, areas of non-compliance, and configuration flaws within the IT environment
  • Customers: Fortune 1000, healthcare, government, service providers and mid-market
  • Network and Security Visualization: Tool that automatically visualizes the network and security infrastructure, mapping network access and weak points
  • Network Aware Risk Scoring: Scoring system that rates risks and vulnerabilities based on Attack Exposure and Downstream Risk, identifying those risks that need immediate remediation
  • Risk Visualization: Visualizes “Risk Hot Spots” and enables drill downs into root causes
  • Security Impact Analysis: Enable teams to view the impact of access change request before implementation
  • Network Device Configuration Hardening: Robust tool that checks firewalls, routers, switches, wireless controllers, and load balancers for configuration and compliance best practices
  • Network Access Policy Compliance Automation: Network monitoring compliance tool that identifies gaps in network access controls
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