Azure CDN Rolls Out DDoS Mitigation Services

Azure CDN Enters the DDoS Mitigation Services Market

Watch out Akamai, Microsoft has quietly rolled out their DDoS Mitigation Services Platform for Azure CDN. We all know Microsoft  does a fantastic job fighting cyber crime, but this move goes to show that Microsoft it taking the CDN game seriously. They have taken an internal feature set, and commercialized it for Azure CDN. Is this a sign of the times that Microsoft might be a serious innovator in the CDN ecosystem? Maybe.

Amazon AWS  and Google CDN, it’s your turn.

Nginx Has 250 Paying Customers

Nginx has finally grown up from just being the mostly widely using open source web server/caching software on the planet, to a successful software start-up with 250 paying customers. This is a great story, and Nginx has the potential to be the Red Hat of the CDN industry. However, they still have a ways to go.

Ooyla Acquires VideoPlaza

Ooyala, which was acquired by Telstra a few months back has just acquired Videoplaza, an Ad Network Platform based in London. Videoplaza has 100+ customers throughout Europe, including the big broadcasters like Canal+ (Canal Plus), one of the largest broadcasters in France. Now compare this to Brightcove’s acquisition of Unicorn Media, and there is a night & day difference in the transaction. Ooyala can afford to acquire many companies and fail, because they’re backed by Telstra’s balance sheet. On the other hand, Brightcove has one shot to succeed at a big acquisition, and if the acquisition fails, things will get ugly. Looking at Brightcove’s stock right now, that ugly is now a reality.

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