Latest Update on the GAFAN+M Clan



M=Market Cap and S=2015 revenues

In the early 1900’s, the business pioneers that changed the world were Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller. In the early 2000’s, their equivalent is The Mighty GAFAN+M Clan, the most powerful group of business entities the world has ever known. In 2015, India was the 7th largest economy in the world with a GDP $2.18 Trillion. If GAFN+M was a country, it would bump India into 8th place.

Although Microsoft is included in GAFAN, they’re not a true GAFAN”ite” because if the Internet went caput, Microsoft could still ship out their shrink wrapped software via snail mail. In the chart below, we listed revenues and market cap for GAFAN+M and eight of the largest US Media companies. Takeaway, GAFAN+M has twice the sales of the eight US Media companies in 2015, yet 4x the market cap compared to 2x+ for the US Media companies. And why do we cover GAFAN, because they all have massive global CDN infrastructure in place.

Annual Revenue and Market Cap Comparison

Companies 2014 Rev 2015 Rev Market Cap in $B
1 Google 66 75 522.4
2 Apple 182.8 233.7 609.1
3 Facebook 12.5 17.9 321.6
4 Amazon 89 107 295.2
5 Netflix 5.5 6.8 47.7
6 Microsoft 86.9 93.6 440.2
Total in $B 442.7 534 2236.2
Media  2014 Rev  2015 Rev  Market Cap in $B
1 Comcast 69 74.5 150
2 Walt Disney 49 53.5 160.9
3 21st Century Fox 32 29 57.2
4 Time Warner 27 28.1 58.9
5 Time Warner Cable 23 23.7 58.2
6 CBS 13.8 13.9 24.8
7 Viacom 13.8 13.3 16.5
8 Dish 15 15 20.7
Total in $B 243 251 547.2
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