AWS Updates on Best Practices For DDoS Resiliency

AWS released an updated version of its AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency Whitepaper, a guide for developers building new apps or looking to optimize their current architecture for DDoS resiliency. In addition, the whitepaper goes into detail to advise

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Akamai Introduces The Image Manager

Akamai has introduced Image Manager, intended for use together with Akamai’s Web Performance Solutions. Image Manager provides customers with faster and easier image delivery solutions across a diverse array of devices types and browsers. Image Manager touts its ability to

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Watch Out Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison Is Gunning For You

Larry Ellison used his recent keynote presentation at Oracle OpenWorld 2016 in San Francisco as an opportunity to fire a shot across Amazon’s bow. He cited benchmark test results showing that Oracle’s DBaas performed 105 times faster for analytics workloads

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Low-Latency DNS Resolution via AWS Route 53 and Anycast

Amazon Route 53 aims to provide low-latency DNS resolution to clients, in party by broadcasting IP addresses using anycast from its 50+ edge locations scattered around the globe. Anycast routes packets to the closest network location that is “advertising” a

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Online Fraud Prevention: Forter and James Allen Diamonds

To establish a smooth buying process while addressing online fraud prevention needs, e-retailer James Allen has retained the services of Forter. The threat of fraud can create delays by necessitating manual reviews and identity confirmation, which, in turn, slow down

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