WikiLeaks and The Agency Tango

We have to commend folks like Krebs because writing about hacks day-in and day-out requires a strong mental psychology. We stopped writing about hacks a while back, however, we’re going to break our own rule and write about the latest hack involving The Agency. WikiLeaks claims to have published the “largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency” called Vault 7. And as an added bonus, every hacking tool The Agency has developed has been open sourced to the global hacking community, in order to help them become more efficient in their jobs.

Right now, the entire hacking community is celebrating and getting drunk because they have won the lotto via The Agency hacking tools being open sourced. And net losses or should we say net sales from cyber security crime is going to double from $400B/year to $800B/year. And the scary part is not that your mobile device, home or work is vulnerable to hacking, but that if you should really piss someone off, the smart car your driving to work might accidently go into turbo, jump the island and play bumper cars with a concrete wall. How in the world is all this happening.

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