Important Network Stats from Akamai


Akamai presented its state of the union during the investor summit earlier today. As always, the metrics presented are fascinating and important because they give us an in-depth pulse on the Internet and their business model. One of the most interesting parts is the case study on a Top 10 Bank. Based on the slide deck, Akamai charged this specific bank the following prices: $3,500/mo. for a Cloudet, $31,000/mo for Prolexic (initial) and $17,500 for Bot Manager (1 site).

The spend increased from $100k to $300k in 3 years. When it comes to pricing out cloud services, no one does a better job on selling the value proposition than Akamai. Here are some interesting metrics.

Summary of Key Metrics

  • 5 trends impacting CDN industry: video, mobile, IoT and cyber attacks
  • Akamai average traffic is 40Tbps+
  • They process 2 trillion log line per day
  • Total last mile broadband connectivity in 2020 will range from 600Tbps to 25,000Tbps
  • Akamai has created its own routing protocols
  • Case Study for Top 10 Bank:
    • 2014 (MRR): $124k for Ion on 10 sites + $7k for 2 Cloudlets + Prolexic @ $30.5k
    • August 2016: Prolexic spend doubled to $65k and Bot Manager for 2 Sites at $35k
    • February: Bot Manager for 8 additional sites + Kona for 10 sites is $71k per month
    • Total MRR: $124k + $30.5k + $65k + $35k + $71k = $325.5k
  • The Internet core is the bottleneck not the last mile
    • How much bandwidth on the core: 100 Major Providers bx 5Tbps = 500Tbps and that’s even a big if
    • A 2020 estimate: 2.5B connected homes x @ 10Mbps = 25,000Tbps

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