Earlier this month, CDN77 introduced Live Streaming CDN, a live streaming CDN platform, which combines encoding, transcoding and security layers with “low-latency and buffer-free global video delivery”. It has a capacity of 7 Tbps with 18 PoP in Europe and North America. It supports all HTTP streaming protocols to reach audiences on all platforms and devices (including desktop, mobile, IPTV and HbbTV models) using HLS, HDS and MPEG-DASH playback formats.
The new CDN77 service has built up 1680 clients over the last 18 months, delivering streams and live events from TedX Talks, sports events, the Grammys, and online broadcasting of public and private TV channels worldwide.
According to Ingrid Lunden’s analysis of Cisco’s Visual Network Index last June, video accounted for 73 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. By 2021, she predicts that 82 percent of all consumer IP traffic will be video, and that growth will be driven by a wave of live streaming, delivered by services like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
A demand for high quality streaming will continue to grow with the surge of viewers across platforms and devices. The MUX 2017 Video Streaming Perception Report asked just over 1,000 U.S. consumers about their experience viewing online video and found that most frustrations were related to slow loading times and video stalling and rebuffering. New services such as this one will help plug in the gap.
CDN77’s clients can work in conjunction with Live Streaming CDN from their own streaming server or by running an RTMP/RTSP stream. Its protocols involve segmenting the stream into chunks allowing for resolution and bitrate adjustment based on the individual user’s bandwidth and device capability. The adaptive bitrate streaming reduces bandwidth consumption.
CDN77 promises that its Live Streaming CDN will maintain “completely transparent and cost-effective pricing terms”, in addition to offering 100% SSL/TLS support. Its monthly packages start at $790 for a maximum peak of 1 Gbps and unlimited TB transfer.