Fastly Introduces Three New Enterprise Services


Fastly, the rapidly-growing CDN, announced three new enterprise services on Thursday designed to help enterprise build on their edge cloud investment and free up IT and engineering resources. The three new offerings bolster Fastly’s existing edge cloud features, supporting further performance optimization, improving its security offerings via WAF management and issuing real-time metrics and monitoring for applications at the edge.

Edge computing is a fast growing field as increasing attention is paid to the efficiency of processing data closer to the thing or person generating it instead of traveling first via data centers and/or corporate clouds. Edge computing solutions address the requirement for localized computing power. Gartner predicts that the number of connected devices will surge to 20.4 billion by 2020 from 2017’s figure of 8.4 billion. Last year, Gartner predicted that 50% of enterprise-generated data will be processed outside a traditional centralized data center or cloud.

Fastly has become an industry leader in the edge computing space. Its edge cloud platform and developer-friendly approach helped the company reach a $100 million revenue run rate in 2017. Over 3 billion people worldwide are served content through Fastly each month. The latest enterprise services will help further speed the time to value for businesses already using, or thinking of adopting edge computing.

“Keeping up with the ongoing evolution of modern business technology is time-consuming. Not to mention, it places an additional burden on internal engineering teams,” said Wolfgang Maasberg, SVP of Sales at Fastly. “The last thing a company should have to worry about is not having the resources or in-house expertise to create an amazing experience for its users. Fastly is committed to helping the world’s leading businesses seamlessly scale and take advantage of the edge.”

The new tools in Fastly’s Quick Service Packages are now available to its customers:

Performance Optimization Package

The Performance Optimization Package provides analysis of your site’s unique attributes and identifies tuning opportunities to help your site or service live up to its full potential. Millisecond-scale increases in load times and latencies directly impact the bottom line, according to recent studies.

The service includes:

  • Compression analysis: A review and recommendation of compression settings for different content types
  • HTTP/2 readiness: Evaluation of whether or not your site is leveraging the latest network protocols and remedying this where needed
  • Network data optimization: Analysis and adjustment of how your service sends data to your end users, aimed at maximizing throughput and reducing last mile latency
  • Network architecture evaluation: Analysis of your Fastly configuration to ensure your business is working to its maximum in relation to Fastly’s network architecture
  • Caching improvements: Insights are provided into cache hit rates and optimization opportunities are identified

WAF Management Package

In the WAF Management Package, Fastly focuses on analysis and fine-tuning of your web application firewall (WAF). Fastly’s goal is to “help you maintain business continuity by keeping your web and mobile apps constantly available, while avoiding financial and/or reputational damage associated with a potential security breach”.

The WAF Management Package is focused on keeping web and mobile apps secure and constantly available. Fastly will ensure that your settings are updated to the latest available, monitor actual and/or attempted attacks and improve your overall security posture.

The service includes:

  • Updating WAF configuration set to latest available (if necessary)
  • Updating your profile to record any changes to your back-end application stack or potential security risks as indicated by actual or attempted attacks
  • Fine-tuning of new or existing WAF rules based on new traffic patterns or security risks (on demand as needed, or once quarterly)
  • On-demand (up to 3x per quarter) critical attack mitigation assistance. If needed, Fastly can also add new critical protections into your WAF.

Logging Insights Package

The Logging Insights Package is a guided customization of preconfigured dashboards suited to your business goals led by Fastly’s team of consultants.

The Logging Insights service includes:

  • Four preconfigured dashboards with the Sumo Logic App for Fastly that include:
    • Overview: geolocations of visitors, performance hotspots, top 404-causing/missing URLs
    • Visitors: Visitor locations, requests by country, requests by datacenter, overall request volume, total request size over time
    • Origin Performance: 90%-ile latency by origin host, median latency by origin host, slowest URLs
    • Quality of Service: performance hotspots, cache performance, cache hit percentage, content download time
  • Consultation services, including:
    • Identification of your unique business metrics and guided customization of 4 Sumo Logic dashboards
    • Refining your dashboards
    • Providing dashboard instruction and troubleshooting techniques
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