Bizety Celebrates 2 Year Anniversary


Happy Holidays. We are celebrating our 2 year anniversary. The Bizety Team would like to give a big thanks to all of our readers and customers from around the world. We are humbled by this awesome experience. On December 3, 2013, we wrote our first blog post. At that time, we had no idea what we were doing, and didn’t even think this would become a successful business that earns money from research and consulting.

What makes this more amazing is I was working full time and blogging full time. In two years, I wrote 800 blog posts, which equates to 33 post per month. I still can’t believe I wrote that much, but when you’re passionate about something, the ideas just flow out of you. Now that we have a small team in place, we’re going to publish a lot more high quality content on a more consistent basis. Enjoy the holidays, and feel free to give us a shout anytime.

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