Akamai Smokes EdgeCast by 2X


In my previous post, I noted that Akamai barely beat EdgeCast by 4. In this post, I’ll take the opposite position, as there are two sides to every tale. Akamai delivered twice as many websites as EdgeCast.

However, doing a trace route on one object on one page doesn’t provide us with the whole story. Most popular websites like Twitter & Pinterest use two or more CDNs. If I wanted to find out what CDNs are being used by a specific website, I would trace route many objects from different pages. My honest guess, Akamai is probably delivering for all ten of the websites either as a primary CDN or backup CDN. Here are the Top 25 Quantcast Websites and the 10 Websites I selected from the 25.

Quantcast Top 25 Websites
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10 Websites Selected from the Top 25
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