HTTP 101


What is HTTP?

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol for transmitting data over the internet. It is used to communicate between a web server and a web client, such as a web browser.

HTTP was developed in the early 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. He developed HTTP to transfer hypertext documents (such as HTML documents) between computers. HTTP uses a request-response model in which a client sends a request to a server, and the server sends a response back to the client.

Over the years, HTTP has evolved, and new versions have been released. The most recent version is HTTP/2, released in 2015, with significant performance improvements over previous versions.

HTTP plays a critical role in the functioning of the World Wide Web, and it is used by almost all websites and web applications. It is a key component of the internet infrastructure and is essential for exchanging information and communication on the web.


HTTP/1.0 was the first version of the HTTP protocol released in 1996. It was designed to provide a way to transfer hypertext documents over the internet, and it was an important step in developing the World Wide Web.

One of the main features of HTTP/1.0 was the use of a request-response model for communication between a client and a server. In this model, a client sends a request to a server, and the server sends a response back to the client.

HTTP/1.0 also introduced header headers in the request and response messages. Headers are used to provide additional information about the request or response, such as the type of content being transmitted or the encoding of the data.

HTTP/1.0 also introduced the use of status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Status codes are three-digit numbers that are included in the response message and indicate the request’s status.

HTTP/1.0 was an important step in developing the internet and the World Wide Web, but it had some limitations. For example, it did not support persistent connections, meaning a new connection had to be established for each request. This could be inefficient and slow. In addition, HTTP/1.0 did not support the transfer of multiple resources in a single request, which could also be inefficient.

Later HTTP versions, such as HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, addressed these limitations and provided additional features and performance improvements.


HTTP/1.0 has several limitations that were addressed in later versions of the protocol

  • Lack of persistent connections: HTTP/1.0 does not support persistent connections, meaning a new connection must be established for each request. This can be inefficient and slow.
  • Lack of support for multiple requests: HTTP/1.0 does not support the transfer of multiple resources in a single request, which can be inefficient.
  • Lack of support for caching: HTTP/1.0 does not have a built-in mechanism for caching resources, which can result in unnecessary network traffic and slower performance.
  • Limited support for data transfer: HTTP/1.0 only supports the transfer of ASCII text and does not provide support for binary data or other types of media.
  • Limited security: HTTP/1.0 does not provide built-in security mechanisms, such as encryption or authentication.

Later HTTP versions, such as HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, addressed these limitations and provided additional features and performance improvements.


HTTP/2 was developed as a response to the limitations of HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. It was designed to improve the performance and efficiency of the protocol and to provide new features that were not available in earlier versions.

Some of the main features and benefits of HTTP/2 over HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 include:

  • Multiplexing: HTTP/2 allows multiple requests and responses to be sent over a single connection, which can greatly improve performance.
  • Header compression: HTTP/2 uses a more efficient method of encoding headers, which can reduce the size of the headers and improve performance.
  • Server push: HTTP/2 allows a server to proactively push resources to a client rather than waiting for the client to request them. This can improve the performance of web pages by reducing the number of round-trip requests needed to load the page.
  • Improved security: HTTP/2 includes built-in encryption using TLS (Transport Layer Security), which provides better security than the encryption provided by HTTP/1.1.
  • Better support for streaming: HTTP/2 allows for the efficient transfer of streaming data, such as video and audio.

Overall, HTTP/2 provides significant performance improvements and new features that make it more efficient and effective than earlier protocol versions. It is widely used on the web today and has become the standard for transferring data over the internet.


HTTP/2 is a widely used and effective protocol for transferring data over the internet, but it does have some limitations:

  • Compatibility issues: HTTP/2 is not backward compatible with earlier protocol versions, such as HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. This means that older clients and servers may not support HTTP/2.
  • Encryption requirement: HTTP/2 requires TLS (Transport Layer Security) for encryption, which can add overhead to the protocol.
  • Limited browser support: Some older browsers do not support HTTP/2, which can limit its use in certain situations.
  • Compatibility with middleware: HTTP/2 can be incompatible with some types of middleware, such as load balancers and reverse proxies, which can limit its use in certain environments.

Overall, these limitations are insignificant, and HTTP/2 is widely supported and used on the internet today. It provides significant performance improvements and new features that make it an effective protocol for transferring data.


HTTP/3 is the latest version of the HTTP protocol, and it was developed to address the limitations of earlier versions of the protocol, such as HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. HTTP/3 is based on a new underlying transport protocol called QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections), developed by Google.

QUIC was designed to provide many of the same benefits as HTTP/2, such as multiplexing, header compression, and server push. Still, it uses a new approach based on UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). UDP is a connectionless protocol that provides lower overhead and faster performance than TCP, and it is well-suited to the needs of modern web applications.

HTTP/3 was developed to take advantage of the benefits of QUIC and to provide a more efficient and effective protocol for transferring data over the internet. Some of the main benefits of HTTP/3 over earlier versions of the protocol include:

  • Improved performance: HTTP/3 uses QUIC, which provides faster and more efficient data transfer than TCP. This can result in faster page load times and improved overall performance.
  • Improved security: HTTP/3 includes built-in encryption using TLS (Transport Layer Security), which provides better security than the encryption provided by earlier versions of the protocol.
  • Improved support for streaming: HTTP/3 allows for the efficient transfer of streaming data, such as video and audio.
  • Improved support for mobility: HTTP/3 is designed to work well in mobile and wireless environments where connectivity can be intermittent.

Overall, HTTP/3 is a significant improvement over earlier versions of the protocol, and it is expected to become the new standard for transferring data over the internet.

QUIC 101

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a transport layer network protocol developed by Google and has been under development and deployment since around 2012. It is designed to provide a secure, low-latency, and multiplexed connection over the Internet and is used by many applications and services, including Google’s Chrome web browser and YouTube video platform.

Over the years, QUIC has undergone several major revisions and updates, each of which has introduced new features and improvements to the protocol. Some of the notable updates to QUIC include:

  • QUIC v1: This was the initial version of the protocol, which was released in 2013. It introduced the concept of a “connection ID” to identify a connection between two endpoints, as well as several other features, such as stream multiplexing, congestion control, and error recovery.
  • QUIC v2: This protocol version was released in 2015 and introduced several significant changes to the protocol, including the use of a new cryptographic handshake, support for the HTTP/2 protocol, and improvements to the congestion control algorithm.
  • QUIC v3: This protocol version was released in 2017 and introduced several additional features, including support for version negotiation, improved error handling, and the ability to recover from packet loss.
  • QUIC v4: This protocol version was released in 2019 and introduced several further improvements, including the ability to change the congestion control algorithm on the fly, support for data compression, and improvements to the connection migration and error recovery mechanisms.

In recent years, QUIC has gained significant adoption and is now supported by many popular applications and services, including web browsers, video conferencing platforms, and online gaming services. It is also being standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is expected to continue to evolve and improve in the coming years.

HTTP/3 Security

One of the key features of QUIC is its use of encryption for all communication, which makes it more secure than previous versions of HTTP. In HTTP/2, encryption is optional, and many websites and servers still use unencrypted HTTP connections. In contrast, all communication over HTTP/3 is encrypted by default, which helps to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks and other forms of network interception.

In addition to the encryption provided by QUIC, HTTP/3 also includes other security features that help to protect against various types of attacks. For example, it includes support for certificate transparency, which helps to ensure that TLS certificates are issued by trusted certificate authorities and are not fraudulent. It also includes support for the TLS 1.3 protocol, which includes several security enhancements over previous versions of TLS.

Overall, the use of QUIC and the inclusion of various security features make HTTP/3 a more secure protocol than previous versions of HTTP. However, it is important to note that no protocol is completely secure. It is still important to follow best practices and take other measures to secure your web applications and servers.

  • Encryption: As mentioned previously, one of the key features of QUIC is that it encrypts all communication by default. This helps to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts and modifies communication between two parties. It also helps to prevent the interception of sensitive data, such as passwords and financial information.
  • Certificate transparency: HTTP/3 supports certificate transparency, a mechanism for detecting and preventing fraudulent TLS certificates. In certificate transparency, all TLS certificates are logged in a publicly-available append-only log. When a client establishes a connection to a server, it can check the log to verify that the server’s certificate was issued by a trusted certificate authority and has not been tampered with. This helps to prevent attacks where an attacker issues a fake certificate in an attempt to impersonate a legitimate website.
  • TLS 1.3: HTTP/3 supports the TLS 1.3 protocol, the most recent version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS is a widely-used security protocol used to encrypt communication over the Internet. TLS 1.3 includes several security enhancements over previous versions, including improved encryption algorithms, support for authenticated encryption, and better protection against attacks such as the “POODLE” vulnerability.
  • Multiplexing: In HTTP/3, multiple requests and responses can be sent over a single connection using stream multiplexing. This can help to improve the performance of web applications, but it also has security benefits. By using a single connection, HTTP/3 reduces the risk of connection spoofing, where an attacker creates fake connections in an attempt to gain access to a server.

Overall, the use of QUIC and the inclusion of various security features make HTTP/3 a more secure protocol than previous versions of HTTP. However, it is important to note that no protocol is completely secure. It is still important to follow best practices and take other measures to secure your web applications and servers.

Caching in HTTP/3.0

In general, the principles of caching in HTTP/3 are similar to those in previous protocol versions. Caching is a technique used to store copies of resources, such as web pages and images, in a temporary storage location (called a cache) to improve the performance of web applications.

One of the key features of HTTP is the ability to use caching headers to control the caching behavior of resources. These headers can specify how long a resource should be cached, whether it can be stored in a public cache, and whether it can be served from a cache without revalidating it with the server.

In HTTP/3, these caching headers and principles are largely unchanged from previous protocol versions. However, there are some differences in how caching is implemented in HTTP/3 due to the use of the QUIC transport protocol.

One of the key differences is that HTTP/3 uses stream multiplexing, which allows multiple requests and responses to be sent over a single connection. This can make it more efficient to cache resources, as it reduces the overhead of establishing and maintaining multiple connections.

Additionally, QUIC includes a feature called “connection migration,” which allows a connection to be moved from one network path to another without interrupting the communication. This can be useful for caching, as it allows a cache to continue serving resources from a connection even if the connection is moved to a different network path.

Overall, the principles of caching in HTTP/3 are similar to those in previous protocol versions. Still, using QUIC and stream multiplexing can make it more efficient to implement caching in HTTP/3 applications.

What about HTTP/4?

There is currently no officially designated HTTP/4.0, as the latest version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is HTTP/3.0. HTTP/3.0 was released in 2018 and is based on the QUIC transport protocol, developed by Google, and has been under development and deployment since around 2012.

That being said, the development of HTTP is an ongoing process, and there may be future versions of the protocol that introduce new features and improvements. However, it is important to note that the development of new HTTP versions is a complex and time-consuming process, and it is not uncommon for many years to pass between the release of new versions.

As for potential features of a hypothetical HTTP/4.0, it is difficult to say at this point what such a version might include. Any future versions of HTTP will likely build on the existing foundation of the protocol and introduce new features and improvements that address the evolving needs of the Web and its users.

It is worth noting that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which is responsible for the development and standardization of many Internet protocols, including HTTP, has established a Working Group called the HTTP Working Group to continue the development of HTTP and related technologies. This Working Group is responsible for discussing and evaluating potential enhancements and changes to the HTTP protocol and developing and publishing new versions of the protocol as needed.

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